14th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence

June 17-19, 2019
Loews Miami Beach Hotel, 1601 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL, 33139

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Adherence 2019 is sponsored by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC). The 2019 conference’s Co-Chairs are Catherine Orrell, MBChB, MSc, MMed (Desmond Tutu HIV Center, Cape Town, South Africa) and Robert Remien, PhD (Columbia University, New York, NY, USA). The conference Track Chairs are Thomas P. Giordano, MD, MPH (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA); Jean-Jacques Parienti, MD, PhD (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen, Caen, France); and Jane M. Simoni, PhD (University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA).).

Following are conference presentations. The conference organizers request that any use of these presentations should include citations to both their presenting authors and relevant conference information (e.g., 14th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, June 17-19, 2019, Miami).


Adherence 2019 is made possible through educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Janssen Therapeutics, and Merck & Co., as well as sponsorship support from ViiV Healthcare.


MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2019


Pre-Con 1: Strategies for Successful Early Career Funding: A Panel and Discussion with National Institutes of Health Representatives

Susan Graham
Mark Rubert
Jane M. Simoni
Michael Stirratt                       


Pre-Con 2: Partnership for HIV-Free Survival: A Six-Country Quality Improvement Initiative for Keeping Positive Pregnant and Lactating Women Healthy and Their Exposed Infants Healthy, Nourished, and HIV-Free           

Tim Quick
Amy F. Stern


Pre-Con 3: Implementation Science to Advance the HIV Response: Promoting Dialogue in the Adherence and Retention Research Communities

Sarah Calabrese
Elvin Geng
Thomas P. Giordano
Michael Mugavero
Jane M. Simoni
Patrick Sullivan


Pre-Con 4: Deciphering Clients’ Choices: Leveraging Behavioral Economics and Innovative Demand-Side Thinking for HIV Prevention                       

Moderator: Rupa Patel

Mary Aikenhead
Timothy Mcbride
Ramakrishna Prasad
Jason Reed


Pre-Con 5: The Minority AIDS Initiative and its Implications for Miami-Dade County and the Nation

Jorge Saavedra
José Szapocznik
Anamarie Ferreira de Melo


KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ending HIV: Global Goals, National Actions
Robert Redfield



Moderator: Jane M. Simoni

Maximizing Potency: Integrase Inhibitors and Adherence Challenges
Presenter: Suzanne McCluskey

Introducing Injectables: Behavioral and Adherence Implications
Presenter: David Margolis

Planning for Implants: Safety, Efficacy, User Acceptability, and Social Adoption
Presenter: Ethel D. Weld



Moderator: Elvin Geng

Defining Implementation Science: What Is It? What Is It Not?
Presenter: Thomas Odeny

Using an Implementation Science Framework to Assess the Impact of South Africa’s Central Chronic Medicine Dispensing and Distribution Program
Presenter: Ingrid Bassett

Community Research: Looking Beyond Academia to Generate Implementation Science Data
Presenter: Solange Baptiste



2000 Impact and Correlates of Sub-Optimal Social Support on Antiretroviral Adherence and Clinical Outcomes among Patients in HIV Care
Emma Fitzsimmons

2002 PrEP Adherence Self-Efficacy Scale Predicts Uptake, Persistence, and Adherence over 12 Months
Sarit Golub



TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2019


BREAKFAST SESSION: How to Make an Ethical Choice among Adherence Monitoring Methods           

Jeffrey Campbell
Peter Chai
Jessica Haberer
Harald Schmidt


GARY S. REITER AND ANDREW KAPLAN MEMORIAL LECTURE: Why is it So Hard to be Nice?: The Challenge of Provider-Patient Communication
Ira Wilson



Moderator: Jean- Jacques Parienti

Creating Demand: Community Role in PrEP Outreach, Acceptance, and Delivery
Presenter: Stéphane Morel

Choice: The Secret to Adolescent Persistence?
Presenter: Laura Myers

Replication What Works: Best Practices in Planning for and Scaling Up PrEP Provision
Presenter: K. Rivet Amico 




Track 1: Adherence Measurement

2003 Reliability and Validity of a Brief Self-Report Adherence Measure among People Living with HIV Experiencing Homelessness and Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
Dima Dandachi

2004 Evaluating Measures of Pre-ART Adherence Readiness through their Associations with ART Adherence in the Early Months of Treatment
Gulrez Shah Azhar 

2005 Can Self-Reported Adherence Predict ART Adherence Assessed by an Electronic Monitoring Device (Wisepill) in Resource-Constrained Settings in Cape Town, South Africa?
Nadia Nguyen


Track 2: Beyond the p-value: A Qualitative Perspective on PrEP

2006 ‘I May Find It Difficult to Take It’: Qualitative Study of Anticipated Barriers to PrEP Use in Ugandan Most-At-Risk Populations
Emily Pisarski

2007 Fertility Desires among PrEP Users and Non-Users in the Nigeria Demonstration Project: A Qualitative Perspective
Grace Oluwatosin Kolawole

2008 ‘I Wasn’t Doing It for the Incentive, I Was Doing It for Myself’: Qualitative Findings from a Multi-Faceted PrEP Adherence Support Intervention for Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa
Laura Myers

2009 Experiences of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Stigma among Black and Latino Men who have Sex with Men in Los Angeles
Omar Nieto


Track 3: Factors Impacting the Continuum

2010 Comparison of Non-US-Born and US-Born Hispanics/Latinos with Diagnosed HIV, United States – 2015-2017, Medical Monitoring Project
Hanna B. Demeke

2011 Syndemic Factors and Patient-Provider Relationship, Self- Efficacy, Pharmacy Pickups, and Viral Load among Patients in Argentina not Retained in HIV Care
Lissa Mandell

2012 HIV Disclosure, Retention, and Virologic Suppression among New-to-HIV-Care Cohort
Riddhi Modi




Track 1: Intervention Research

2022 A Mobile Health Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence among Patients Receiving HIV Care
Ana Ventuneac

2023 Motivational Enhancement System for Adherence (MESA) for Youth Starting Antiretroviral Therapy (ART): Preliminary Findings from a Multi-Site Study
Angulique Y Outlaw

2024 Can Self-Management Improve HIV Treatment Engagement, Adherence, and Retention? A Mixed Methods Evaluation in Tanzania and Uganda
Corrina Moucheraud

2025 InfoPlus Adherence Intervention in Haiti: Results of a Provider- Delivered EMR Alert-Based ART Adherence Counseling Program
Nancy Puttkamer


Track 2: Improving PrEP Use and Treatment as Prevention

2016 Cycles of Life in the 2018 HIV Care Cascade: A Real-Life Study in Brazil
Ana Pascom

2017 Using Individualized Provider Feedback to Improve HIV Screening in a High-Volume Emergency Department
Jason Zucker

2018 Validation of an Electronic Algorithm to Identify Cis-Gender Female PrEP Candidates
Jessica Ridgway


Track 3: Health Delivery

2013 Raising the Bar: CrescentCare’s Immediate ART Continuum of Care
Jason Halperin

2014 The New Standard of Care: Results of a Same-Day Start HIV Treatment Model
Lyndon VanderZanden

2015 Data for Care: Enhanced Personal Contact for Retention in HIV Care
Maira Sohail




Track 1: Miscellaneous

2038 Perinatal Depressive Symptoms, HIV Suppression, and the Underlying Role of ART Adherence: Prospective Evidence from IMPAACT
Florence Momplaisir

2039 Acceptability of Long-Acting Injectable ART Among PLWH in Coastal Kenya
Jane Simoni

2040 Impact of Social Support and Stigma on Viral Load Among a Community-Recruited Sample of HIV-Positive Men who have Sex with Men Enrolled in an mHealth Intervention
Keith Horvath

2041 Understanding HIV Status Disclosure Process, Social Support Structures, and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence among Young People in Soweto, South Africa: A Qualitative Study
Stefanie Hornschuh


Track 2: Learning from Invention PrEP Studies

2030 The Influence of HIV-Related Stigma on PrEP Disclosure and Adherence Over Time among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HPTN 082
Jennifer Velloza

2031 Two-Way Short Messaging Service (SMS) System Increases PrEP Continuation and Adherence among Young Kenyan Women
Jillian Pintye

2032 A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial to Accelerate the Diffusion of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
John Schneider

2033 Urine Tenofovir Concentrations Correlate with Plasma Tenofovir and Distinguish High, Moderate, and Low PrEP Adherence: A Randomized Directly-Observed Pharmacokinetic Trial
Paul Drain


Track 3: Interventions

2019 A Novel Combination Contingency Management and Peer Health Navigation Intervention for Advancing Transgender Women of Color Living with HIV along the HIV Care Continuum
Cathy Reback

2020 Leveraging Text Messaging to Promote Advancement along the HIV Care Continuum among Young Adult Transgender Women Living with HIV
Cathy Reback

2021 Increasing Linkage, Engagement, and Retention in HIV Care
Reynaldo Cordova



Moderator: Thomas P. Giordano

Optimization: Cross-Cutting Lessons from Interventions to Improve Engagement in HIV Care
Presenter: Michael Mugavero

Methods: Novel Study Designs to Assess Interventions to Improve Engagement in HIV Care
Presenter: Kawango Agot

Measurement: Pitfalls in Relying on Routine System Information for Engagement Research and Practice
Presenter: Elvin Geng


THEMATIC PANELS: Innovate, Integrate, Motivate           


Assessing Treatment Adherence: Is There Something Wrong with Your Measurement

Moderator: Jessica Haberer

Peter Anderson
Peter Chai
Matthew Spinelli           


Examing Option B-Plus: Is it the Panacea We Had Hoped For?

Moderator: Catherine Orrell

Grace John-Stewart • Presentation
Marcel Yotebieng • Presentation


Accelerated Treatment: Perspectives on Same-Day ART Prescription

Moderator: Robert Remien

Oni Blackstock • Presentation
Jean- Jacques Parienti • Presentation
Nancy Puttkammer • Presentation


WORKSHOP: Help Wanted: Building a Career in HIV and Adherence Research
David Bangsberg




BREAKFAST SESSION: A Critical Reflection on What is Needed for Black Women Living with HIV in Miami and Beyond

Moderator: Sannisha Dale

Gena Grant
Camille Lewis
Arnetta Phillips
Ashley Richardson                       


MARIO S. COOPER MEMORIAL COLLOQUIUM: Old School Meets New School: Bridging Almost Four Decades of AIDS Advocacy
Moisés Agosto • Presentation
Bakita Kasadha • Presentation



Moderator: Ambassador Deborah L. Birx

Community Perspectives on the Intersectionality of Multiple Key Populations
Presenter: Trevor Stratton

Mental Health, Substance Use, and HIV: Calming the “Perfect Storm”
Presenter: Steven Shoptaw

Adolescent Friendly HIV Care: What Do We Mean? How Do We Get There?
Presenter: Millicent Atujuna

Accelerating the Slow Uptake of HIV Services among Black Men who have Sex with Men
Presenter: Daniel Driffin




Track 1: Trajectories of ART Adherence

2026 Longitudinal ART Adherence Trajectories and Sociodemographic and Psychosocial Predictors among ART Initiators in Cape Town, South Africa
Alissa Davis

2027 Patterns and Predictors of Long-Term Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence among People Living with HIV: A Cohort Study in North-Central Nigeria
Isaac Okoh Abah

2028 Low Antiretroviral Therapy Persistence in a National Pediatric Cohort with HIV in the United States
Tingting Zhang


Track 2: The Role of Peers for PrEP

2042 Increasing Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use Intentions among Young Gay and Bisexual Men
Jonathon Rendina

2043 Engaging Leaders of Community Social Networks of Black MSM to Advocate to Peers for PrEP: Intervention Feasibility and Evidence of Efficacy
Jeffrey Kelly

2044 “The Movers and Shakers in the Black Communities”: The Influence of Social Networks on PrEP Use among Young Black Gay and Bisexual Men
Katherine Quinn

2045 Personalized Digital Contents and Strategies are Associated with Higher Levels of Engagement in a Peer-Led Social Media-Based HIV Prevention Intervention
Viraj Patel


Track 3: Mental Health and Behavior

2034 Substance Use Stigma, Avoidance Coping, and Missed HIV Appointments among MSM
Abigail Batchelder

2035 Fidelity of Integration of Antidepressant Management into HIV Primary Care in Malawi
Brian Pence

2036 HIV Stigma and Viral Load are Mediated by Depression and Antiretroviral Adherence in a Cohort of US Patients in Care
Katerina Christopoulos

2037 Closing Evidence-to-Practice Gaps: New Jersey’s Collaborative Approach to Behavioral Health Integration in HIV Settings
Michael Hager



2050 Acceptability of and Adherence to the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV-1 Prevention
Erica Browne

2052 A New Index of Engagement in HIV Care Can Identify Patients at Risk of Poor Clinical Outcomes
Katerina Christopoulos

2053 Prior PrEP Use is Associated with Substantially Reduced Risk of HIV Diagnosis in a Nationwide Cohort of Sexual Minority Men
Jonathon Rendina



Latesha Elopre
Sandra Mccoy • Presentation

Jennifer Velloza • Presentation


2019 Conference Program and Abstracts

Click the images below to download the complete 2019 Program or the Oral Abstracts in PDF format.

Adherence Conference 2019 Program     Adherence Conference 2019 Oral Abstracts

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