• Routine monitoring in HIV clinic q6 months
    • Last hepatitis panel checked upon ART switch 2 years ago
      • hepAIgG+, hepBsAg negative, hepBcAb positive, hepBsAb negative, hepCab negative
    • 120 days before rehab admission
      • CD4 683, HIV VL <40, RPR non-reactive
      • Cr 0.9, Alb 4.5, Total bili0.4, ALT 28, AST 22, Plts 290K
  • Labs obtained upon admission to rehab program
    • CD4 521, HIV VL <40
    • RPR 1:16
    • Cr 1.1, Alb 4.0, Total bili1.1, ALT 284, AST 165, Plts 166K
    • hepAIgG+, hepBsAg negative, hepBcAb positive, hepBsAb negative, hepCab positive, signal cut-off ratio 5.5
  • Pt denies hx of jaundice-like illness, N/V, malaise, LE edema
  • Physical exam is unremarkable